In addition to this page, further answers can be found at GitHub: REFPROP-issues. Please use the GitHub site to post new bugs or questions so that all REFPROP users may learn from the correspondence. If you still need assistance, or have other matters that you need to discuss, email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
In some cases where you are not allowed to be the administrator on a machine, this message will appear because it cannot access the System32 directory. Try placing the file in your Windows directory to get the program to work.
refprop nist 9
Contact customer support at (844) 374-0183 (Toll Free) or data [at] for Distributor Agreements.See the REFPROP FAQ for help installing and using REFPROP.
For all issues related to ordering the program contact data [at] nist.govFor questions concerning the installation and running the program, with linking the program with other applications, or with issues concerning the fluid properties, please visit the FAQ site first: -docs/.
Further answers can be found at GitHub: -issues/issues . Please use this site to post new questions as well so that all REFPROP users may learn from the correspondence. If you still need assistance, or have other matters that that you need to discuss, email refprop [at]
Keywords: air; alternative refrigerants; CFC; chemical engineering; chemistry; chlorofluorocarbons; cryogens; hydrochlorofluorocarbons; equation of state; fluids; hydrocarbons; HCFC; HFC; mixtures; natural gas; refrigerants; thermodynamic property; thermodynamics; thermophysics; transport propertydata [at] (Customer Support)
The mini-REFPROP program is a free sample version of the full REFPROP program(located at and is meant for use as a teaching tool inthe introduction of thermodynamics to students. It contains a limited number ofpure fluids (water, CO2, R134a, nitrogen, oxygen, methane, propane, helium,hydrogen, and dodecane), along with air as a pseudo-pure fluid. It also allowsmixture calculations of a 50/50 molar mix of nitrogen and methane or of a 79/21molar mix of nitrogen and oxygen for teaching vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE).Please note carefully that the 79/21 N2/O2 mixture is not meant for aircalculations, but as a teaching tool to study composition changes as the mixturepasses through the two phase. For actual air properties, please selectSubstance/Pseudo-Pure Fluid/Air when running the GUI.
The executable for Version 10 of mini-Refprop was set to expire on Dec. 31,2019. If your version no longer works, please download the exe below and placeit in your mini-Refprop directory AFTER you have installed the program from thesetup file above. This version does not expire, but may contain new bugs. Ifyou find them, please report them to us. (